Studi pelaksanaan evaluasi pembelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani Olahraga dan Kesehatan pada Siswa SMP di Makassar

Ahmad Rum Bismar(1*), Sahabuddin Sahabuddin(2),

(*) Corresponding Author


This study aims to find out and examine how the Implementation of Evaluation of Learning Physical and Physical Education in Class 9 in Makassar State Middle School 13. This study uses a survey design (observation). The target in this study was Grade 9 students of Makassar Public Middle School 13, as many as 135 students. Data sources are obtained through surveys (observations), interviews, and closed questionnaires. The data analysis technique used in this study is descriptive. The results of the study show (1) the implementation of evaluation of physical sports and health education for psychomotor aspects in general is quite good. Based on the results of these studies the teachers of Physical Education, Sports and Health have carried out learning evaluations in accordance with the existing curriculum, but for the swimming pool teachers did not provide the material at all due to the lack of supporting facilities and infrastructure such as swimming pools and concerns about the magnitude of the risk if the activity is carried out. Aspects of rhythm gymnastics without teacher tools rarely provide the material because environmental conditions that are less supportive for example the sound of music will interfere with other student learning activities and the implementation of these activities is carried out outside the field, and aspects of the camp and the basics of rescue the fasting month only; (2) The evaluation of Physical, Sports and Health Education for cognitive aspects in general is quite good. Based on the results of these studies teachers of Physical Education, Sports and Health have carried out evaluation of learning Physical, Sports and Health Education in accordance with the existing curriculum; and (3) The evaluation of Physical and Health Physical Education for affective aspects in general is quite good. Based on the results of these studies the teacher of Physical Education, Sports and Health has carried out an evaluation of the learning of Physical Education, Sports and Health. However, for the aspect of the collaboration of teachers in Physical Education, Sports and Health, it is less inculcating an attitude of cooperation among students, this is due to the character of students in Makassar State Junior High School who tend to be individualistic so that teachers must further improve and instill a cooperative attitude.


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